Saturday, August 11, 2012

Learning Styles

Everybody has different learning styles and techniques. People learn things in the way that they may good at. Everyone prefers their way of learning. Some may good at learning through visuals, so does the other through mathematical concepts, etc.

There are seven learning styles.
1 . Visual (Spatial)
2. Aural (Auditory- Musical)
3. Verbal (Linguistics)
4. Physical (kinesthetic)
5. Logical (Mathematical)
6. Social (Interpersonal)
7. Solitary (Intrapersonal)

Some people like to learn with visual stuff: pictures and images.
Some like to learn using sound and rhythms together with music.
Some like to learn by verbal; actually the saying out loud or writing it down.
Some like to learn by physical; using their body and they want to touch the real things to support their learning skill.
Some like to learn by mathematical stuff. Everything they learn, they try to insert the image in the mathematical thoughts and imagine how it works by the logic.
For social learning person, they want to learn in groups and discussions by the groups.
For solitary learning person, they prefer working alone and self-studying.

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